Plan wisely Intro Video

Plan Wisely, live confidently is about becoming a wise steward of your money. My approach to financial planning is based on stewardship and provision. You work hard to earn your […]

Money Stress and Family Peace

Money is commonly a source of stress for many.  Particularly if you are married or have kids you probably have fought about money.  Dr. Matt Morris, Family Therapist, has this […]

Overlooked Tax Deductions

No one likes to pay taxes, and paying more than we have to is a crying shame. So take a look at this list of commonly overlooked tax deductions that […]

Tax Time, Scam Time

Last year the IRS paid out $3.6 billion in phony tax refunds. On the plus side, that amount is down from the $5.2 billion paid in 2012, thanks to greater […]

Smart Money Moves for the New Year

New Year. Fresh Start. Along with your resolution to eat better and exercise more, add to your to-do-list these financial goals Review Your Financial Plan You can’t get where you […]