Managing Anxiety Through Charitable Giving

Managing Anxiety Through Charitable Giving
How are you holding up?
If you’re like many of us, you’re probably feeling some level of anxiety regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. And that’s okay. We’re living in a time when feeling helpless is understandable. Ultimately, what matters is how we choose to respond.
One of the ways I try to mitigate anxiety is by helping others. Since so many of us are sheltering in place right now, I want to share an alternative to volunteering that can still impact your community. Giving financial support to those in difficult situations can make a huge difference during a time of national crisis.
So, with so much need, where should you start? Numerous online resources can guide your giving. For example, provides an overview on various philanthropic organizations, rates them, and makes it simple to donate to your chosen charity.
I always like supporting local charities to help in my area. I find helping smaller charities often makes a BIG impact.
Keep in mind, the Internal Revenue Service has specific rules and guidelines for charitable contributions, so you should consult with your tax professional before contributing. But don’t give because you can get a deduction, give because it’s the right thing to do.
If you ever want to discuss giving strategies to maximize your giving, don’t hesitate to reach out.
As always, I’m paying close attention to news and upcoming reports. If I read anything that changes my overall outlook for the economy or the financial markets, I’ll be in touch. In the meantime, be kind to yourself and let me know if I can help in any way.